Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Masa ya gue lg kesel gtu sm org.
Kesel bgt..
Dia ini seorg lelaki.
Yayayaya gue kesel... jgn smp karma yaAllah.

Jd gini, ya kita sebut aja namanya si X.
si X nih ya... org2 di muka bumi ini jg tau kali kl doi yg nyakitin gue-_-

Dan gue tuh udh lama gtu ga follow2an sm doi di twitter
tp berhubung twitter gue di protect, jd kmrn doi tbtb ada di followers request gue
yauds krn gue pikir mslh antara gue dan dia udh slesai, gue accept dan gue followback.

Ehh... pas gue lg iseng liat timeline gue (bbrp kali) timingnya slalu pas dgn doi ngetwit
Yg bikin keselnya itu ya... doi ngetwitnya yg sok2 galau
Sok2an kl dia tuh yg disakitin....

tweetnya itu seputar dgn
(intinya yaa...)
 - mau cari cewe yg baik
 - mau cari cewe yg nerima dia apa adanya
 - gamau buru2 cari cewe nya.

Kl gue ya nangkepnya dri poin yg trkhr itu, dia gamau cpt2 cari cewe baru lg.. krn takut 'disakitin'

I'm the one who was crying
I'm the one who was broken
I'm the one who was fighting for you
And you 'tell' the world like you're the victim??

Come on.
Stop imagining something with your mind.
Stop making things up with your words.
Start seeing something with your own eyes, and accept it.
Please learn from the reality, that you're the one who was breaking people's heart.

Msh aja gtuloh.. bertekad nyari cewe baru
Ga habis pikir.

Lo tuh knpsih..
Always think of something that don't even EXIST.

The truth is..
I'm sick of you

Muak sm smua perlakuan lo tau ga... yg sok2an jd cowo baik yg jd korban cewe2 jahat
Lo yg jahat
Lo yg gapunya perasaan
Lo yg gatau malu

Sadar woy

Hope Allah will give you the best life you ever had.
Please. Start. Being. A. Grown. MAN.